Computers and Internet use opens a world of knowledge and discovery for our children. There are programs for Infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and school age children. Programs that your school age children will use through their whole school experience. Young children have the opportunity to explore the world around them, learn about different cultures and many developmentally appropriate concepts and skills. Many schools now base homework assignments and research to be conducted on the internet. It can be a wonderful tool to expand our child’s learning experience and horizons. However, we know children are curious and love to explore. There are individuals who will exploit their natural curiosity and trust. As our children grow, they become more proficient with computer usage and may spend some time on the computer alone. Especially young grammar school children. They may be researching a subject for a school report and come across a site that is inappropriate. Let’s look at some ways to protect our children.

Here are some hints to help protect your child as they grow more proficient in computer use:

Sit down with your child. Computer programs for infants and young children offer a wonderful opportunity for parent and child to interact, learn, and spend important bonding time together.

Put together computer and internet rules. These rules should include:

When child is allowed to use computer. (ex: they are only allowed to use computer when parent is home)

Set a time limit to computer use so child knows how long they can be on the computer

What sites they have permission to visit should be clearly identified and child should know the consequences for going on a site without asking permission

Determine what games they are allowed to play. Some games require the child to purchase additional help and objects to advance in the game. A Child should never be allowed to purchase anything with out parent’s permission.

Instruct your child to always come to you if they see something that makes them feel uncomfortable.

Instruct your child to NEVER give their password to anyone, even their best friend.

Instruct your child to NEVER give out their name, address, phone number or any personal information.

Instruct your child to NEVER agree to meet anyone outside your home that they meet on the computer.

Instruct your child to ALWAYS ask permission before downloading any information, games, or software. This has the potential to have serious ‘bugs’ that can harm your computer.

Instruct your child to NEVER engage in ‘bullying’. If they see something mean being said they should let you know immediately

Keep the family computer in a room such as the family room or kitchen where there are other people and adults around.

As your child get older into teenage years it is even more important to have rules regarding computer and internet use. Teen are often spending many hours on the computer researching homework assignments

Putting in search keywords can sometimes bring up inappropriate information and sites. Discuss with your child the problems, viruses, and danger of investigating any site that they do not know the origin of. In addition here are some other topic to discuss with your child and to include with your computer usage rules:

You should discuss with your child the long term problems that can arise when posting pictures of themselves on the internet. Discuss when and to whom they may send picture.

Instruct your child to NEVER download pictures to someone they do not know.

Discuss the importance of not giving out personal information about the child or the family on the internet.

Discuss with your child some of the ways sexual predators lure young people.
They pose as teenagers
They post pictures of attractive young people
They may give gifts
They are friendly and sympathetic

Discuss the dangers of ‘cyber bullying’ and ask your child to let you know immediately if they are a victim or if they see it occurring to someone else.

Hopefully these tips will allow your children to enjoy the benefits of computer and internet use and avoid the dangers that can occur.

There is a helpful and informative booklet available to down load that gives parents much more information and tips:

A Parent's Guide to Internet Safety
U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation – Publication